
Today is a better day. Waking up was hard but today is a better day.

When I began this journey almost 1 year ago I would have never thought I would still be in it now. But I am, and that’s okay. I can wake up every day and choose to be bitter and angry (like yesterday-but in my defense my hormones are super twisted right now) or I can wake up with a positive attitude. I choose the latter. Gotta keep things in perspective.

Life is how you respond to situations not the situations themselves. I think more than anyone else in my life, Aaron has taught me how to be positive. He is the happiest, silliest guy, and I am forever thankful for him. He reminds me to not be so serious all the time. Life wouldn’t be the same without our struggles. We need to embrace them and use them to grow.

Before I began the emotional healing side of my journey I was negative and bitter 90% of the time. One of the major tools that has helped me heal is reading, You can heal your life, by Louise Hay. After reading her book I truly learned to let it all go. She words things in a way that is common sense yet super powerful. If you are healing and you haven’t read it, please, please read it.

Yoga is another powerful healing tool that I use daily. My journey has been so transformative it is quite amazing. I love yoga because it reminds me to be present. To be in the moment. To just breathe. I have never been the hard core workout type so yoga has been amazing for me. Over this past year my love for yoga has grown so much that I now practice on my own twice a day. I used to think I could never do yoga without a teacher or app telling me how to do it. But now I don’t even want to take a class or use my app. I just move how my body wants me to move when my body wants me to move. And I breathe, a lot. Breathing and meditation are crucial to healing.

I was just telling Aaron the other day that I don’t even like to sit and watch shows for more than 30 minutes to an hour now. My body gets antsy. It craves movement. So I get on the floor and practice. Every day. Twice a day, sometimes more. The greatest part is that even when I feel crummy I can still practice. So that’s what I did yesterday and this morning. And now I feel much much better.

The main goal I have that I would like to get from healing is to have more energy so I can do more yoga and be more active without crashing. Our bodies are meant to move. We aren’t meant to sit and binge watch t.v. all day every day. I do think we should allow ourselves time to rest and recuperate but you can also do that in other ways besides t.v. If you do find yourself sitting for long periods of time try to find gentle ways to move your body. I promise you will feel much better.

As always, thanks for listening. Happy healing.



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