one of those days

It’s one of those days.. I could barely get out of bed this morning. My body is utterly exhausted. My stomach cramped a bit this morning and I just feel crummy. I try my very best to stay positive but today is not the day. I’m allowed to have days like this right? I’m just…

supplement protocol

Hola, just wanted to update everyone on the gut healing plan I am on. I am still taking antimicrobials. We are rotating them so this week I am taking GI Microb-X 2x a day and next week I will switch back to a week of Garlic aka allicin 2x a day. I am doing 3…


Today is a day of gratitude for me. Every day should be but sometimes I get really down in the dumps. I have been feeling extremely grateful for my husband, my home, friends, and family. I will say that since I started supplementing vitamin D plus K2 I really have noticed a difference in my mood….

Die off

Due to the gut healing program I am on, I am having some die off symptoms. Some days more than others. I started off okay today but now I feel plain awful. To be honest, Aaron was impressed at how much I got done today. But like always, bursts of energy only last so long….

Gut healing protocol

  My appointment with the MTHFR specialist went extremely well the other day. I now have a ton of useful information and knowledge that will help me heal my gut and balance my methylation cycles out. I learned a lot about the gene mutations I have and how they play into this but I will…

Dinner and updates

No time to cook? Find time. I cannot stand when people tell me they do not have time to cook. I have been working as a nanny for over 5 years. I know what it’s like to have to hold a sick baby, take care of a crying toddler, have a splitting headache, and cook…

Sunset love

I have been feeling a bit anxious today. Almost like I want to jump out of my skin. I can’t even explain it. The weather has finally shifted and it’s been quite chilly. Unfortunately I am one of those people that is majorly affected by the weather. Some call it seasonal affective disorder but I’d…

Toxin free living

I wish I could pinpoint exactly what started me on toxin free living a few years ago. I remember working as a nanny for a family in California and they used quite a few natural products on the kids. I’m sure somewhere along the way I began my research. I know my neighbor is the…

Probiotics and histamine intolerance

I learned the importance of probiotics years ago when we lived in California. When I had a flare in January I immediately went out and bought some more probiotics. The problem I found was that they were actually making my gut issues worse. It made no sense. I thought everyone needed probiotics to get to…

Toot, Toot MTHFR

I hate to toot my own horn buttt….Toot, Toot. I’m sorry I just had to. You have to have some kind of humor when you’re dealing with such madness. Turns out I do in fact have MTHFR. I honestly feel so empowered because over the course of this past year I have researched and I…

Healing golden milk

I want to share a recipe with you guys that I have come to LOVE.  But first, I want to be that annoying blogger that makes you scroll down to find the recipe so I can tell you a little bit about the magical, healing ingredients. As some of you may know, turmeric, is known…

In times of stress

Things have been rather stressful the past few days. Not only am I dealing with the world’s longest lasting headache but we now have to make quite a few repairs on our house. Like every other married couple out there, Aaron and I have been dealing with money stress for years. We have tens of…