Toxin free living

I wish I could pinpoint exactly what started me on toxin free living a few years ago. I remember working as a nanny for a family in California and they used quite a few natural products on the kids. I’m sure somewhere along the way I began my research. I know my neighbor is the one who changed my life by introducing me to essential oils but I will write about that in another post.

The main toxins I researched and read about in the beginning were parabens and sulfates. Parabens and sulfates are endocrine disrupters which means they can mimic or disrupt the action of hormones such as thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, and adrenal hormones.  Once I learned that, I went to whole foods and began my search for the best natural(and affordable) products. I love whole foods because they have a fabulous return policy. I would try out different shampoos and if they didn’t work I was able to try again. It took me a while but I finally the found the best hair and body products that work for me and now I am a loyal customer. More than anything I learned that I don’t need a million products to get ready every day. Some of you know how much I truly love simplifying and purging products. I now use coconut oil to wash my face, moisturize, and remove my make up. It is truly amazing stuff.

The other icky ingredients that are found in our everyday products are known to be carcinogens (cause cancer) and neurotoxins(cause brain and nerve damage). Triclosan, phthalates, parabens, aluminum, dyes, sulfates, silica, fragrances, heavy metals, lead, formaldehyde releasing preservatives, and carbon black, along with many others, are found in many everyday products. All of these toxins can be absorbed through the skin, blood, and digestive system. I don’t know about you but I do not want to purposely put that stuff on my body. ESPECIALLY after finding out I have MTHFR, which means my body has a harder time detoxifying. I think it’s sort of cool I purged all of my toxin filled products years ago. It’s like I subconsciously knew they were really hurting my body.

If you are looking to purge your life of these toxins I would start looking at the products you use everyday and slowly transition. It doesn’t have to be expensive. You can make cleaning sprays using vinegar and essential oils. Soaps, shampoo, conditioner, make up, cleaning products, nail polish, plastic tupperware, aging creams, lotions, etc.

These sites are fabulous resources if you want to check them out!

Click to access healthyliving.pdf

Chemicals of Concern



3 Comments Add yours

  1. Jessica Adam says:

    I found your blog doing a MTHFR search. Love this post. Learned a lot by reading it. I’ve heard some of those things weren’t good, but never heard why. Thank you. 🙂


    1. k.briann says:

      this makes me so happy!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jessica Adam says:

        I’m so glad. I’ve felt a bit isolated that no one really quite gets what this is like. I do tons of research as well. Then get lost in it all. Ha!


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