The journey

This healing journey seems to be a long one but I do feel like I am making small progress. I have been continuing with all of the supplements on my protocol and added in some detox methods which I will list below. My next appointment isn’t until January 5th so nothing too exciting has been happening. I am going to get my thyroid levels tested in the next week to see how that is playing into my gut health and energy levels.

Detox methods:

The first is skin brushing. Dry skin brushing not only exfoliates your skin but it also improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Having MTHFR means that my body doesn’t detox as well as others so I need all the help I can get, especially when I am killing bad bacteria!

The second method is coffee enemas. Eek. Gross I know. But I did them last year and let me tell you I cleaned out some nasty, nasty stuff. I feel much better knowing it is all out rather than in. (I will make a separate post all about them when I get the courage.) My natural doctor suggested I start them again to help cleanse my liver and gallbladder because of the high oxalate count on my tests. The die off hasn’t been as bad so it has definitely been helping. Plus I have passed some gnarly little liver/gallstones.

I feel like I have been on an insane roller coaster. I have really good days and then I have really really bad days. Days where my body just doesn’t want to function. It has been challenging for both Aaron and I because he was beginning to get super excited that I would get better. Overall, I think that I am but it just takes time. Even though they suck, bad days are progress being made. Die bugs, DIEEEEEE.

As far as the histamine intolerance goes, I did eat some nuts and hemp seeds this morning without an immediate reaction which is amazing. We shall see though. I’m hoping by killing the bad bugs my body’s histamine levels will lower.

All of this can be emotionally draining so I made sure to take some time to reflect and breathe this weekend. By the end of last week I was extremely overstimulated. I realized I was getting sucked into the world of instagram and needed a break so I turned it off this weekend. Okay, Okay, I checked it once. lol But I really did take way more time to read, go to the beach, do yoga, cook, and just breathe.

I am feeling much, much better after doing yoga on the beach today. Talk about healing. Aaron is working today so I think I am going to make some nourishing soup, do more yoga, and go see a movie. Self care is extremely important especially when you are healing.


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